If you've made it this far, you're probably wondering when we leave the Nurburgring or even Germany... Well buddy this post is for you!
So we ended up leaving the Nurburgring sometime early afternoon on Sunday with an itinerary to Zurich to meet a friend of ours and start our Switzerland leg of the trip. Before we left, we took some photos which are some of my all time favorites.
We hopped on one of the many autobahns and headed south. Leaving the Ring is also a fun journey as you see heaps of cars coming and going on the highway. We passed by a group of pre-war era cars during this bit. The overall journey from the Ring to Zurich is about a 6 Hour Drive without stops. To be honest, I really don't remember too much from this day other than the start and the end.
We ended up stopping and getting gas somewhere in middle Germany, this is where I realized the significance of License Plates over there (our plates were S 94 R). Which apparently was very very in demand. One lady stopped us and basically asked if we were famous and pointed at our plate. In Germany (and probably other places), the lowest number plates are the most desirable and are very hard to get. Additionally the "S" stood for Stuttgart so many people thought we were old wealthy family from Porsche and Mercedes land. We in fact... are not, just two friends from America.
I took this photo on the autobahn eating Doritos in my brand new GT4 with tire rubber all over it. Also these little snack cakes are amazing. Life is good...
We went from the Nurburgring to blitzing down de-restricted Autobahn to what felt like a Police State... We were pretty terrified of the local traffic laws. We stopped a couple more times for photos and eventually made it to Zurich where we crashed with our buddy. I especially love how this came out.
Getting into the foothills of Switzerland...
Some random little town in Switzerland...
Zurich is very sleepy at night but beautiful during the day.
This is probably one of the "least" exciting days of the trip as it was really just lots of highway driving. Switzerland gets better.. I promise